Stress Management – How To Stay Stressed (a step-by-step guide)

October 22, 2008 at 8:30 pm 1 comment

In this industry I am all about helping people to let go of stress, and find peace withing themselves regardless of what is going on around them. However, I understand that some people don’t want to let go of their stress, it’s their’s and nobody is going to take it from them. It’s basically the equivilent of holding your favorite rock all the way down to the bottom of the ocean.

Since I cannot “make” anybody do anything that they don’t want to do, or change behaviors they don’t want to change, I thought I’d share this little bit of information that I found online on How To Stay Stressed. Just because living a stress-free life is for me, doesn’t mean it’s for everyone, and here are a few reasons why…

Stress helps you seem important:

Anyone as stressed as you must be working very hard and, therefore, is  probably doing something very crucial.

It helps you to maintain personal distance and avoid intimacy.

Anyone as busy as you are certainly can’t be expected to form emotional attachments to anyone.  And let’s face it, you’re not much fun to be around anyway.

It helps you avoid responsibilities.

Obviously you’re too stressed to be given any more work.  This gets you off the hook for all the mundane chores; let someone else take care of them.

It gives you a chemical rush.

Stress might be considered a cheap thrill, and you can give yourself a “hit” anytime you choose.  But be careful, you might get addicted to your own adrenaline.

It helps you avoid success.

Why risk being “successful” when by simply staying stressed you can avoid all of that?  Stress can keep your performance level low enough that success won’t ever be a threat.

Stress also lets you keep your authoritarian management style.

The authoritarian style of “Just do what I say!” is generally permissible under crisis conditions.  If you maintain a permanently stressed crisis atmosphere, you can justify an authoritarian style all the time.

Are you worried now about how to stay stressed?  You’ll have no trouble if you practice the following clinically proven methods:

Never Exercise.

Exercise wastes a lot of time that could be spent worrying.

Eat anything you want.

Hey, if cigarette smoke can’t cleanse your system, a balanced diet isn’t likely to.

Gain Weight.

Work hard at staying at least 25 pounds over your recommended weight.

Take plenty of stimulants.

The old standards of caffeine, nicotine, sugar, and cola will continue to do the job just fine.

Avoid any “woo-woo” practices.

Ignore the evidence suggesting that meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and/or mental imaging help to reduce stress.  The Protestant work ethic is good for everyone, protestant or not.

Get rid of your social support system.

Let the few friends who are willing to tolerate you know that concern yourself with friendships only if you have time, and you never have time.  If a few people persist in trying to be your friend, avoid them.

Personalize any criticism.

Anyone who criticizes any aspect of your work, family, dog, house, or car is mounting a personal attack.  Don’t take time to listen, be offended, then return the attack!

Throw out your sense of humor.

Staying stressed is no laughing matter, and it shouldn’t be treated as one.

Males and females alike – be macho.

Never ever ask for help, and if you want it done right, do it yourself!

Become a workaholic.

Put work before everything else, and be sure to take work home evenings and weekends.  Keep reminding yourself that vacations are for sissies.

Discard good time management skills.

Schedule in more activities every day than you can possibly get done and then worry about it all whenever you get a chance.


Putting things off to the last second always produces a marvelous amount of stress.

Worry about things you can’t control.

Worry about the stock market, earthquakes, the approching Ice Age, you know, all the big issues.

Become not only a perfectionsist, but set impossibly high standards.

…and either beat yourself up, or feel guilty, depressed, discouraged, and/or inadequate when you don’t meet them.

For more information about C.J. Cantrell, or how Hypnosis can help you create healthier habits that last, please visit

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