Posts tagged ‘hypnosis’

Choosing Your Words Carefully may Improve Your Health and Wellbeing

Your words create your reality. The kind of words we use to describe our situations and our lives are the way that we perceive our lives to be. Our perception then is the reality. When you say things like something is a disaster or you are suffering from a disease, you are painting a clear picture for yourself and anyone listening that this is just the way it is. Can we, then, change our situations, or at the very least change our perception of a situation, by changing the way we speak about it? That is what positive affirmations are for. Research has shown that a positive outlook and attitude can improve a patient/s chances at overcoming serious medical conditions like cancer and chronic pain. It follows then that a positive mindset can help you overcome your negative beliefs about yourself and your life as well.

Saying that someone is a “pain in the neck” is a good example of using somehow meaningful language. Could saying that mean that literal pain in your neck could manifest? Is someone a “cancer” in your organization or family? By firing them or cutting off communication you could improve the quality of your home or work life, correct?

Choosing your words carefully is something that our mothers taught us as we grew. When you consider the powers of words in terms of doing what you say and saying what you do, you manifest the reality you live by your words and actions. Remember this as you make your way through each day and try to practice positive affirmations that will enrich your life and your soul.

Stop and think about the types of negative words you use to describe yourself on a daily basis. Do you say you “doubt you can”, “wish I could”, “don’t like that”, or are you just afraid? These are the words you can consciously work to replace in your vocabulary to improve your overall state of wellbeing and success. .Take the time to consciously reprogram your thoughts and words to eliminate the negative and replace it with the positive.

Positive words and affirmations are the types of thoughts you want to have floating through your mind and coming out of your mouth. In this way you reprogram your thought patterns and with it your whole life. We fill our lives with the images that we focus on. Focus on love and love will come to you; focus on the bad and you will feel bad, look bad, and your relationships will be bad. This is a simple fact of reality. To master it all you have to do is literally change your mind.

Start each day with positive affirmations such as “today I will be the best and most positive I can be”. Then as you go about your day, you can actually do it. Go out of your way to find the positive in every thought and situation even if you have to say that it was an “opportunity to learn” or a “challenge to be accomplished”. Live happily and speak about it in a positive way. What will at first seem like a tough prospect will soon be second nature to you. No more doom and gloom; only a positive outlook and a positive, happy, well balanced life will be ahead for you.

– Article by Natural News

For more information about C.J. Cantrell, or how Hypnosis can help you choose your words more carefully, please visit

October 24, 2009 at 2:13 pm Leave a comment

A Personal Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment

j0411744_medSometimes I find myself thinking, with youthful enthusiasm and impatience, “I want spiritual enlightenment, and I want it now!” I liken it to some great accomplishment or place within me that I will some day be. But enlightenment isn’t a video game; It doesn’t lie in some magical place at the end of my journey. I have the theory, or knowledge, that it is the journey. It’s in each and every moment. When I find, even briefly at times, that place of stillness that can only be found in the moment, in that moment, I am enlightenment.

Even with all my theories and knowledge, of which I am so very grateful, I sometimes forget that it is the experience that makes it real and true for me. The answer can only be found in the question, and once found, seems to lose its importance. But I’m okay with that – most of the time – as I’ve found, and have been saying for years now, the more I learn the less I know. The depth of one’s soul is not in having the answers, but in knowing to ask the question.

j0407152_medOne great question I remember asking myself years ago was, completely without judgment, in a place of childlike innocence and curiosity, was “What would possess someone to become a hypnotherapist?” What was most interesting about the way in which I asked this question was, (1) It was more a feeling than spoken intellectually with words, and (2) That I cared more about the path of one’s life that brought them to that place than the decision itself.

For me, I just decided one day. It wasn’t some long, thought-out process, but was more about the path of natural healing within the body (through herbs and nutrition), and the connection with energies that I had been exploring for a number of years. It was a natural evolution for me, just as incorporating nutrition and energy work into my practice of hypnosis and meditation seems for me now, even though there was more “conscious thought” put into the latter process.

I guess, no… I feel that I have always known this was the work I would be doing. However, I had to allow the process to evolve in its own time. As Sue Monk Kidd states in her book, When the Heart Waits

The fullness of one’s soul evolves slowly. We’re asked to go within to gestate the newness God is trying to form; we’re asked to collaborate with grace. That doesn’t mean that grace isn’t a gift. Nor does it mean that the deliberate process of waiting produces grace. But waiting does provide the time and space necessary for grace to happen. Spirit needs a container to pour itself into. Grace needs an arena in which to incarnate. Waiting can be such a place, if we allow it.

July 24, 2009 at 2:58 pm Leave a comment

The Role of Hypnosis in Reducing Anxiety Before and After Surgery

A lot of research has been performed using hypnosis either as a stress reducer or as a pain reliever. There are countless studies about the benefits hypnosis has had in these areas. Studies have been performed on cancer patients, people with phantom limb pain, child birth, and dental procedures. Hypnosis has been shown to help reduce anxiety and pain associated with medical procedures. Hypnotherapy has also helped in preparing for a medical procedure and it has also helped the recovery process.

In 1997, a study was performed in Belgium to see whether stress reducing techniques or hypnosis would have a greater effect on relieving stress and pain before, during, and after a medical procedure. The study consisted of sixty patients undergoing plastic surgery using local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. The sixty participants were divided into the stress reducing techniques group and the hypnosis group.

During the medical procedure, both the stress reducing techniques and the hypnosis was performed by the anesthesiologist. Also in the room during the procedures was a psychologist. The psychologist observed patient behavior. Each patient was asked to rate their levels of anxiety, pain, and control before, during, and after their surgery. After the surgery they were also asked to rate their level of nausea. (more…)

October 30, 2008 at 12:04 am 1 comment

The Usefulness of Hypnosis in Pediatric Patients

Hypnosis has been shown as being an increasingly beneficial treatment for helping children with medical illnesses. Studies have shown that children in particular are very suggestible and have a good chance of benefiting from hypnosis.

A study was performed in a pediatric pulmonary center from 1998-2000. During this 30 month time period, 303 patients received hypnotherapy for a variety of symptoms and illnesses. All patients were having pulmonary problems including persistent cough, asthma, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

Patients received hypnotherapy to help their pulmonary symptoms due to psychological issues, side effects of medication, and fear of treatment. Some patients received hypnosis even after medical treatment was administered, due to continuation of the symptoms(more…)

October 29, 2008 at 11:42 pm Leave a comment

Hypnosis Compared to Stress Reducing Strategy in Burn Patients

Any kind of burn, whether it is a first, second, or third degree burn, is painful. In addition to the pain felt from the burn, burn victims have to keep their wounds covered to help the healing process and prevent infection. Patients with severe burns have to go through frequent dressing changes to keep the burned area clean. This process is often very painful.

As you can imagine, being burned can cause a lot of anxiety and stress on the body, both physically and mentally. Anxiety comes from pain, fear of disfigurement, surgery, and the long healing process.

An article was published in the Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries about a study performed in 2001. The study compared the role hypnosis played on badly burned victims to the role stress reducing strategies played in relieving pain related to dressing changes and anxiety. (more…)

October 29, 2008 at 11:12 pm Leave a comment

Guided Meditation Workshop – December 5, 2008

Learning the Art of Meditation

Group Guided Meditation Workshop

Friday, December 5, 2008
6:30pm – 8:00pm

Hosted by Dragonfly Yoga & Pilates Core Center
Location: 176 Route 70, Medford, NJ 08055
Cost: $20/person

Just as when we were children, learning to ride a bike, or read and write, what seemed to come so easily to those around us was completely foreign to us. We had to learn each of these practices and over time, perfected it in our own, unique way. It’s unfortunate that in today’s society we are not taught as children to tap into this amazingly powerful gift that we were all born with, this gift that is stored in the minds of each and every one of us. Luckily, it’s never too late! (more…)

October 29, 2008 at 5:57 am Leave a comment

Learning The Art of Meditation

We exercise our bodies through walking, running, swimming, going to the gym, Pilates, etc. We all know the benefits of physical exercise, we see the results in how we look and how our clothes fit. We feel the results in increased energy and strength. But true health is not merely a physical condition. Health is complete well being and balance, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

So, how do we exercise, strengthen and increase our mental and emotional energy?

The answer has been around and practiced by many cultures for over 5000 years. It encompasses a wide range of spiritual, mental and emotional practices and can lead one to the achievement of a higher state of consciousness, increased focus, creativity or self-awareness, or simply a more peaceful, calm and relaxed state of mind. The answer is meditation. (more…)

September 28, 2008 at 4:51 am Leave a comment

Discount On Services For Law Enforcement

They are supposed to stand tall and stoic against the hazards and risks often involved in their work. Yet police officers are faced with pressures, strain, and tension that most of us will never have to confront.

In order to be competent in their jobs, many officers form a tough mental defense, concealing their feelings, and suppressing their emotions. Every day emotions that are typical of human nature, such as fear, anger, and even empathy are held back all in a desire to protect and serve the rest of humanity.

They say it takes 21 days to create a habit. But what happens when the unconscious habits necessary to perform well on the job becomes so automatic that it spreads to one’s personal life? Hiding, dismissing, and avoiding these issues, over time, means that many go unresolved. This sometimes leads to trouble with relationships, and emotional or mental overload. It’s no wonder that police offers have a higher divorce rate than the rest of society, and that fewer cops are killed in the line of duty than by their own hands. The suicide rates for those in law enforcement are staggering. It’s sad that so many, often times, will turn to alcohol and other destructive behaviors just to cope with the burdens and demands associated with the work they do. (more…)

August 30, 2008 at 9:29 pm 2 comments

“Self-Hypnosis, Group Sessions and CD’s”

There are many schools of thought out there on the subject of hypnosis. While I certainly respect the viewpoints of others, recently I have been flooded with inquiries as to my views on self-hypnosis and group sessions. Because I believe this to be an important topic of discussion, I felt it necessary to share it here. By no means do I feel that my opinions must be shared by all. (more…)

August 16, 2008 at 5:13 pm Leave a comment

Is fear keeping you from fully enjoying your life?

Fear is a fantastically powerful human emotion. As one of the basic survival instincts we were programmed with from birth, fear triggers the nervous system, priming us to react by taking physical action. In this reaction, commonly referred to as “fight or flight,” the body is flooded with hormones, including adrenaline, that aid in defending itself from harm. (more…)

August 15, 2008 at 1:41 pm 1 comment

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