Posts filed under ‘Special Events’

Law of Attraction: Self-Esteem and the Physical Reaction

An In Depth, Three-Hour Workshop
with C.J. Cantrell, Certified Hypnosis/Meditation Counselor

Hour 1 – We will be covering some of the latest scientific research on how the brain functions, the role of emotions, and quantum physics put in a way that everyone can understand. Discover the science behind atoms, why they vibrate according to the String Theory, and how this relates to circumstances and events you attract into your life.

Hour 2 – Learn other Universal Laws such as the Law of Intention, the Law of Balance and the Law of Allowance. Discuss how and where religion and spirituality converge and how to incorporate these principals into your personal belief system. This is a very interactive process where you will get a chance to experience true intention and balance, creating a permanent emotional memory to reflect on as you begin to incorporate this knowledge into your everyday life.

Hour 3 – Find out how your levels of self-esteem relate to the physical reality of your life. Discover how “one’s perception becomes one’s reality,” and how you can improve your life in every area, from relationships to finances in order to create a healthier, happier, and more balanced existence.

Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Regular Price – $60/Person

Prepay* and attend for only $35/Person!

Hosted by the Pilates Core Center
176 Route 70 (at Jones Rd)
Medford, NJ 08055

For more information call Advantage at 609-792-3056
or visit

*$45 at the door. To receive prepay discount, please be sure to register and pay at least 24 hours in advance.

June 17, 2009 at 2:37 pm 1 comment

Where is your passion and energy being focused?

People can, and do, become physically addicted to their emotions, just as one would become addicted to heroin. How exactly does this occur? The same “receptor sites” on the cells that accept the neuro-peptides released by the brain when experiencing different emotional states are the one’s used to accept addictive substances. Once you become addicted to the “high” of stress, drama and fighting, you will be unconsciously looking for situations in your life to feed that addiction.

Have you heard of the String Theory? It states that the particles that make up atoms may not be the little “dots” that we once believed them to be. Instead, they are “strings” that vibrate at different frequencies. Just as when you place two pianos in a room, hit a specific note on one, the same note on the other piano will vibrate, this is how the atoms work. So when we are bombarding our bodies with specific neuro-peptides (made up of atoms, made up of vibrating strings) that give us the “high” we are looking for, we are actually physically changing the make-up of our bodies. These strings are then “vibrating” at a specific frequency, attracting people and situations into our lives to feed into that very addiction so our brain will again give us another dose of the “drug” the body is craving.

Ever find yourself experiencing the following:

  • “Destructive emotional states.
  • “Same situations over and over.
  • “Inability to change.
  • “Feeling helpless to create something new.
  • “Deep cravings for certain emotional responses.
  • “Voices [not literal] in the head saying “I want. Give me, give me!”
  • “Saying you’ll never do something ever again, then 3 hours later, doing it.”

(above quote from the book, “What The Bleep Do We Know?!”)

Sounds like addiction to me. I myself have been working through my own emotional addictions since learning all of this. Paying attention to the people and situations that I attract into my life, and using them as a mirror to find what in my life I am doing/feeling to attract these things to me.

There was also a study in Washington DC a few years back on meditation. They got 4000 people together to meditate in the DC area over one summer, claiming that this will lower the violent crime rate by 25%. The local police, at first, stated that it would take two feet of snow that summer to lower the crime rate by that degree. However, by the end, the police dept. was the study’s biggest supporters because that summer the violent crime rate was lowered by 25%. Incidentally, after the study was over, and all those in the meditation study left, the crime rate went back up.

This goes to show that we are all connected on some way. So when many people are focusing their energy into something, be it positive or negative, others are influenced. Think about the state of the economy right now and how many people are focused on how “bad” it is. What are we, as a whole, attracting? This is why it’s important to pay attention to the people and situations you attract into your life. It may be affecting more than just you, and could have long-term effects on the world we leave behind for our children. If you believe in reincarnation, it’s also the world you may be coming back to as well in your next life. If that doesn’t fit into your personal belief system, just pretend it was a joke.

My workshop, the Law of Attraction: Self-Esteem & the Physical Reaction goes into even more detail. Please feel free to check out the “Events” section of my website, to learn more about where and when the next workshop will be taking place. Feel free to also check out my Facebook Fan Page to learn more.

If you are a business owner who would like to schedule this workshop to be given in your location, please feel free to contact me at 609-792-3056.

April 10, 2009 at 8:47 pm Leave a comment

Sunday Morning Yoga and Guided Meditations in Mount Laurel, NJ

yoga_photo_1_smThe perfect way to start off your week! Dragonfly Yoga Healing Arts and Retreat Center and Pilates Core Center are now offering an all-level yoga class Sunday mornings from 8:30 to 9:45am, followed by a one-hour guided meditation at 10:00am in their Mount Laurel location. These classes are perfect for students of all levels of experience.

The all-level Yoga class will include modifications and variations to be offered for most poses so that everyone leaves their Yoga class refreshed, centered, and ready to start the week. The following guided meditation is for those who wish to grow in knowledge and peace of mind, achieving a deeper connection to the energies around them, while helping to deepen their Yoga experience.

Every student from beginner to experienced will be able to enjoy these classes and grow their practice

November 8, 2008 at 3:20 am Leave a comment

Guided Meditation Workshop – December 5, 2008

Learning the Art of Meditation

Group Guided Meditation Workshop

Friday, December 5, 2008
6:30pm – 8:00pm

Hosted by Dragonfly Yoga & Pilates Core Center
Location: 176 Route 70, Medford, NJ 08055
Cost: $20/person

Just as when we were children, learning to ride a bike, or read and write, what seemed to come so easily to those around us was completely foreign to us. We had to learn each of these practices and over time, perfected it in our own, unique way. It’s unfortunate that in today’s society we are not taught as children to tap into this amazingly powerful gift that we were all born with, this gift that is stored in the minds of each and every one of us. Luckily, it’s never too late! (more…)

October 29, 2008 at 5:57 am Leave a comment

A Beautiful 7-Night Eastern Caribbean Cruise Retreat

How would you like to spend the last long weeks of winter this year? How about watching the sunrise break over the open ocean as you begin early morning sun salutations at 6:15, then nourishing your body at a breakfast buffet  …Or sleeping in ’til noon and waking up on a sunny water slide? Enrich your day with a full availability of workshops, yoga and Pilates classes… settle in for nighttime meditation at 10:00pm (and get zen on the dance floor afterwards perhaps??).

Cruise the Eastern Caribbean on the Carnival “Liberty” with Pilates Core Center March 21 – 28, 2009. We will depart out of Miami and visit San Juan, St. Thomas and St. Maarten. Join us on a retreat of world and self-exploration in pursuit of wellness, balance and personal growth (and fun!!).

Enjoy a week of Pilates and Yoga classes, meditation, workshops on wellness, nutrition, as well a other topics of interest…all this and more!!! (more…)

September 8, 2008 at 3:42 am Leave a comment